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Timeqode General White Paper

Timeqode is an integrated business processes modeling, optimization and management solution enabling companies to increase their business performance.
B2B Platforms White Paper

B2B Platforms which combine online sales or customer service flows with loyalty programs while satisfying your B2B customer’s need for transparency, quality and efficiency.
Banking Solution White Paper

The Timeqode Banking solution can revolutionize the banking industry by simplifying the creation of applications for any type of workflow. It can be implemented in banking for a wide variety of workflows, from customer acquisition, retention processe
Construction Sites White Paper

With the Construction sites organizer you can manage the entire activity of one or more construction sites in terms of resources allocation, material orders, deliveries and consumptions, all fully integrated with your existing ERP system.
Expense Management White Paper

Expense Management is an easy to use, intuitive application that simplifies the entire process of creation and approval of advance payments and expenses reports for any company regardless of its size or activity.
Healthcare White Paper

A tailor-made, fully customizable application addressing medical institutions: hospitals, dental clinics and assisted living facilities, optimized for navigation across the unified work system of all medical departments via an intuitive, user-friendl
Invoice Recognition White Paper

The solution offers all the necessary tools for organizing the daily activity of your company, such as recognizing and automatically extracting data from invoices. This helps reducing the number of printed documents and the time spent for manual coll
Procurement White Paper

With the help of this ready-to-use solution you can manage the entire internal procurement process of your company and flows such as: purchase request [PR], purchase order [PO], contracts, receipt of products, three-way matching of invoices from the
Business Central White Paper

Dynamics 365 Business Central este un sistem ERP dezvoltat de Microsoft, disponibil acum in Romania ca Sofware as a Service. Reuneste-ti echipele de vanzari, achizitii, financiar si operatiuni intr-o singura solutie de gestionare a afacerii in cloud!
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