The ERP discovery phase is essential and should be one of your first activities to assess your business needs and the key motivations to start such a strategically important project.
The following topics are very important to assess in the discovery phase, before implementing a software system:
● Defining the digital strategy
● Current business data
● Current customization, interfaces and reports
It’s our job to help companies find the right solution to solve their challenges and enable them to achieve their objectives. In the discovery phase, we open up every last wall.
We put ourselves in your shoes and go deep to understand your unique business structure, process, culture and your people.
These include from which modules and functionality you require configuration for, to the reports you want to run and whether your system will be integrated with other applications.
We’ll uncover the key problems you’re facing in your business and discover opportunities for efficiency and improvements. This essentially becomes the roadmap for your software solution – if some or all of these key challenges are solved and improvements unlocked after implementation, the project is a success.
The deliverable of the discovery session is the pre-analysis document where the main functionalities and certain structural requirements of the software solution will be briefly presented.